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Basepoint Chepstow Welcome New Centre Manager


Basepoint are pleased to announce the appointment of Ian Mitchell as Centre Manager at Chepstow.

On 11 July 2016 Ian Mitchell joined Basepoint Chepstow as Centre Manager, he has previously worked in a local government Theatre & Arts Service as an Operations Manager following several years in the cinema industry as an owner operator of a number of independent sites.  He joins the existing Assistant Centre Manager Chloe Geoghegan as part of the management team and supported by centre Handyperson Trevor Baker.

Ian said, “I am delighted to be given the opportunity to manage the Chepstow Basepoint Centre following a number of years in the arts and leisure industries.  I have come into the centre at an exciting time and I am looking forward to working closely with the team here and all the licensees.”  Ian has been impressed with the Centre performance and how the Assistant Centre Manager has stepped into the breach during the absence of a full time Centre Manager.

Ian continued, “Chloe has done magnificently to steer the centre in the absence of a dedicated Centre Manager and it’s a testament to the team spirit and work ethic of the staff at Chepstow that it’s been very much business as usual for all licensees who cannot sing their praises enough”