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Basepoint Chepstow Supports TSS Awareness Campaign


14 February marked the start of a 13 day awareness campaign about the illness Toxic Shock Syndrome. The campaign was brought to our attention by one of our licensees, Liz Wilson of Hawkins Wealth Management (pictured left), after she lost a family friend to the illness and became involved in raising awareness.

So today, we held a Bake Sale at Basepoint Chepstow to raise funds and promote the cause. Cakes were kindly donated by licensees and we also had the pleasure of amazing cup-cakes made by Jennifer Sterry of Homemade Cakes 4 All – it almost feels like a crime to eat her little works of art! She created beautiful cup-cakes decorated with flowers and butterflies in purple, the colour of the campaign.

As a more long lasting nod to the campaign, we also painted a feature wall in Hawkins Wealth Management’s corridor a fantastic shade of purple.

In total £129 was raised. A huge thank you to everybody who was involved. For more information  on the campaign see: www.tssaware.org.uk