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Basepoints Chepstow, Evesham and Tewkesbury exhibit at Sterling Ingerity Business Show Gloucester

Evesham, Tewkesbury, Chepstow

Basepoints Chepstow, Evesham and Tewkesbury exhibited at the Sterling Integrity Business Show event held at the Gloucester Kingsholm Stadium on the 14th April 2016. Basepoint joined 30 other exhibitors, including Imagemaker one of Basepoint Tewkesbury's licensees. Basepoint was represented by Maria Kopernick, Tina Coleagate and Claire Vagges, centre managers of Evesham, Chepstow and Tewkesbury respectively. The show itself was a great success with over 80 delegates at the big business breakfast. If you would like to exhibit at or visit any future Sterling Integrity Business Shows visit their website: http://www.sterlingintegrity.co.uk/index.php If you do pop along to a future event make sure you come and say "hi" to the Basepoint Team.